Many of us are skeptical when it comes to purchasing a refurbished laptop on the internet. You never know, they could be selling an old cargo to you in the name of making it new. However, some have positive experiences about buying a refurbished laptop online. Check it out, most of those who purchased good refurbished laptops or Macbooks may have done it from the manufacturers' website. I’m not saying that it’s the only way you can buy a good refurbished laptop online, but if you're buying a refurbished Dell laptop for example from an unknown seller on Craigslist, you’re probably buying crap but when you buy a refurbished laptop from Dell site, even if you have complaints, you know where to direct them. If you have a complaint for a product you bought on Craigslist, you may not receive the attention you craved for. Even if the refurbished laptop was bought from Amazon, sold by a third-party company, Amazon can still help you collect your money and restore it to your account...